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Publications & Patents - (Research Projects in PDF - See bottom Page)
1.- G.Noriega, Francisco Villasevil, Antonio Lopez, Dieter Platzek, "Thermoelectric integrated numerical
modelling process of a temperature and humidity control device apply to vehicles for fogging
preventing" ETC Odessa, Ukrain 24.10.2007
2.- G. Noriega, Francisco Villasevil, Antonio Lopez, Rafael Pindado, Dieter Platzek, "Determination of
mathematical discrete model for the study of thermoelectric materials with the use of microprobe"
ITC Vienna, Austria, 13.10.2006.
3.- G. Noriega, Francisco Villasevil, Antonio Lopez, Dieter Platzek, "Acquisition of data curves in a
thermoelectric system" Viena, Austria 13.10.2006.
4.- G. Noriega, Francisco Villasevil, Antonio Lopez, Dieter Platzek, "Determination of the heat flux with a
microscope support over a semiconductor surface layer simple." Krakow, Poland September 2005.
5.-. Bertini, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. B. Iversen, E. Müller, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega,
A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D. M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S. G. K. Williams, Y. Zhang,
Thermoelectric properties of nano-grained CoSb3 skutterudites doped with Ni and Te, Presented at 22nd
Int. Conf. on Thermoelectrics (ICT2003), Hérault - France, August 17-21, 2003
6.-. Bertini, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. B. Iversen, E. Müller, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega,
A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D. M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S. G. K. Williams, Y. Zhang,
Standardisation in thermoelectric transport properties measurements - The Cardiff NEDO laboratories and
DLR Cologne program, Presented at 22nd Int. Conf. on Thermoelectrics (ICT2003), Hérault - France, August
17-21, 2003
7.- J.M.Redondo, G. Noriega "Non-Linear Analysis of thermoelectric Convective Transients" ITC XIX 20-24
Aug 2000, Cardiff, Wales UK.
8.- J.M Redondo, J.M. Sanchez, G. Noriega "Integrated heat pipe thermoelectric application" ITC XIX 20-24
Aug 2000, Cardiff, Wales UK.
9.- M. Kuramitzu, G. Noriega, J.M. Redondo, "Measurement of anisotropy, thermoelectric behaviour and
multi-fractal aspects of FeSi and of complex custom made TE Materials" Le Gran Motte, France, ITC Aug.
10.- G. Noriega, Francisco Villasevil, Antonio Lopez, "Thermal design of semiconductor device submitted to
pulse control", IV European workshop on Thermoelectrics, Madrid Sep 17-18, 1998
11.- Antonio López, Francisco Villasevil, G. Noriega, and D. Platzek,
Conference on Thermoelectric, Aug 6-10,Vienna/Austria, 2006.
12.- Antonio López, Francisco Villasevil, R. Pindado, G. Noriega, and D.Platzek, DETERMINATION OF A
THE USE OF THE MICROPROBE Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Thermoelectric, Aug
6-10,Vienna/Austria, 2006.
13.- Bertini, L., K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E. Mueller, M.
Muhammed, G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G.
Williams, and Y. Zhang. Theoretical modeling of Te doped CoSb3. in Proc. 22nd International
Conference on Thermoelectrics. 2003. La Grande-Motte, France: IEEE, Piscataway 2004: p. 85-88.
14.- Bertini, L., K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E. Mueller, M. Muhammed,
G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, and Y.
Zhang. Chemical Alloying and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Co1-xNixSb3-yTey. in Proc. 22nd
International Conference on Thermoelectrics. 2003. La Grande Motte, France: IEEE, Piscataway 2004: p
15.- Bertini, L., K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E. Mueller, M. Muhammed, G.
Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, and Y.
Zhang. Grain Size Dependence of Transport Properties of Nano-engineered Thermoelectric
CoSb3. in Proc. 22nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics. 2003. La Grande Motte, France: IEEE,
Piscataway 2004: p. 93-96.
16.- Bertini, L., K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E. Mueller, M. Muhammed,
G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, and Y.
Zhang. Pitfalls in Crystallographic Analysis of Doped Skutterudite Materials. in Proc. 22ndInternational
Conference on Thermoelectrics. 2003. La Grande Motte, France: IEEE, Piscataway 2004: p. 68-71.
17.- Bertini, L., K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E. Mueller, M. Muhammed, G.
Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, and Y.
Zhang. Termoelectric Performance of Large Single Crystal Clathrate Ba8Ga16Ge30. in Proc. 22nd
International Conference on Thermoelectrics. 2003. La Grande Motte, France: IEEE, Piscataway 2004: p.
18.- G. Noriega, Publication in Magazine Revista para profesionales de Restauracion, N 46, pag. 66
Octubre 1989. Aparato Portatil calefactor refrigerador de fluidos.
19.-G. Noriega, Revista TECNO 2000, Numero 31, Mayo 1990, pag. 59 Raymond Marlow presenta en
Barcelona las posiblidades de la Termoelectricidad.
20.- G. Noriega, Revista HR&C Octubre 1989 Numero 5, pag. 151, Calefactor y refrigerador de fluidos
21.- G. Noriega, Revista Refrigeracion Frial, Septiembre 1991, Numero 20, pag. 47-48-49, Climatizacion
de una Camara presurizada mediante sistema termoelectrico.
22.- G. Noriega, Revista INVENTOS, 2002, Numero 6.pag. 24, La termoelectricidad no destruye la capa
de ozono.
23.- Revisyta MEI numero 03, 1990. pag. 42-43, Frio electronico, placas termoelectricas.
24.- G. Noriega, Revista Electronica, Numero 44, pag.40, Refrigeracion termoelectrica de cascos de pilotos.
25.- G. Noriega, Revista Refrigeracion Frial, Numero 12, 1989, pag. 60, Fuente que refrigera mediante
energía termoeléctrica.
26.- G. Noriega, Revista TECNO 2000, numero 27, 1990. pag. 18- Refrigeradors Termoelectrics.
27.- G. Noriega, Revista HORECO, numero 48, 1989, pag. 39. Nueva fuente termoelectrica
28.- G. Noriega, Revista Alforja, Numero 131, 1989, pag. 151, Nueva fuente termoelectrica.
29.- G. Noriega, Revista Tecnicas de Laboratorio, Numero 199, Marzo 1995, pag.152, Sistemas
termoelectricos para generar frio y calor.
30.- G. Noriega, Revista Inventos, Ano II, Numero 2, pag. 51, Para jugar con latas de refrescos.
1) Flexible PELTIER Module AP 156/106 (
2) Solar Charger for Utility Model 200402070 (
3) Portable Bag with solar panels for PC transportation Utility Model 200402071, 07.09.2004)
4) Modular cooled transport box Utility Model 200400361 – 21.09.2004
5) Portable syringe cooler for mother milk Utility Model 200800479 – 16.05.2008.Biberon cooler with thermoelectric system. Utility Model 200800478, 16.08.2008.
6) Thermoelectric Chain for waste heat recovery - Invention Patent - Undergoing. with skutterudite new materials.
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS as Support Technology for Students
3. Heat Pipe Calculations - (Spanish)
4. Thermoelectric Control of Signal Caos
5. Efficiency of Thermoelectric Modules by Electrical Analogy
6. Electronic Control of a Thermoelectric Device
7. Motorcycle Helmet - Spanish
8. Mathematical Modelling of TE Device
9. Navy Applications with Thermoelectrics - Spanish
10. Serynge Cooler for Hospital Neonatal Applications
11. Sliding Electronic Methods
12. Thermotheraphy Thermoelectric Study
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